Today I Rioted
Today I rioted. The leaves fell gently on the grass as the voices rose. But mine is too hoarse to cry out now. The gas burns my eyes, burns my lungs. It stings and closes the eyes that should be open to injustice. It irritates and inflames the lungs meant for fresh clean air, the air of life. The same air that George Floyd was denied. The same air we ALL breathe. One protester shouts “we all bleed.” We do, don’t we? Cops and black men bleed alike. Black women and white women bleed alike. All peoples of all nations, we all bleed the same. The same red blood, which is the color of your tyranny, flows within you too - Derek. Red blood stains hands of all colors. To think one color is victim and another is perpetrator, well it isn’t so easy. We all possess both justice and tyranny within us.
Is violence the voice? I wondered this to myself as the sun rose and this day began. Is it too idealistic to think a revolution without violence is possible? Humankind! We are going through an initiation. But into what world? Will it be a world where violence cycles continuously, following the pattern of the Earth’s orbit? Revolving constantly so long as there is life to oppress? Or will this new age be one of brotherly and sisterly love?
The latter is the world I seek. Love is the word that so many peaceful voices spoke earlier today. A world where all people have a platform to speak, they have a voice, and maybe most importantly, they have an audience to listen. Speaking without listening only leads to more violence, for where else can all that anger go? No.
We must speak, but we must also listen. Speak up for your black brothers and sisters. Say “NO!” you cannot treat my family this way. For we are all family. Speak up when your sister’s voice is hoarse from too many tears, and the gas for which it is named. But when your sister clears her throat to speak, then you must silence your anger, silence your voice, and listen. Listen to the words she has to speak. Listen with an open mind and an open heart – there lies the path to peace.
Walking in the path of light is as if walking a tight rope. We must balance our hearts, our minds, and our souls. Speak when necessary, but also listen. Act, but also be still. Weep, but also cry out. Listen and respond to the rhythm of the universe, the rhythm of one another. Look within yourself and you will know what feels right and what feels wrong. Illusions can be broken. We will not hate you for having them, but we will hold you accountable if you choose not to change.
Only together can we change. We are the people. We can make this world anything we want it to be. May we work together as one people. May you all have the courage to speak when you must. But, may you also possess the courage to face an even larger challenge than public speaking. May you have the fortitude to listen.
Peace my brothers and sisters. Peaceful is the world we create.
In order to create a world of love and peace, we must pave the road with the same substance. If each brick in a road is laid of granite, can you call the road golden? No. Lay the road you wish to walk upon. Each conversation, each connection builds the bridge. The bridge that will someday carry us from this world to the next. Let’s build it together, for it will carry us far.